Pleiadian Keys to the Living Library

10 10 2010

Channel Vehicle:  Barbara Marciniak

Watch (or listen, rather) to all 20 audio parts continuously on autoplay at youtube:

Or view one part at a time with notes on each part (20 videos):

Video 1 of 20:

RE: Origin of Earth-human relations with Pleiadians.  Concept of 12 (e.g. months, signs, hours, DNA, chakras, etc.) Chakras = Portals.  Game, codes, master numbers.  Pleiadian ancestors are our ancestors that came from a universe that was already completed who gave their DNA to us.  Human species suppressed.  Pleiadians came to Earth in the past (both to help us and also as renegade ETs deceiving humans and deactivating the 12-strand DNA).  Humans belong to the FAMILY OF LIGHT.  Humans (made up of multiple bodies – physical, emotional, mental and spiritual) are a walking living library made up of light codes.  Coding is inside each individual.  We are guided to create thought forms (energies, light rays) to fire the codings in others.  We must create the belief system whereby we can do this. Our minds are structured to evolve and form our experience based on our command regardless of paradigm platform.  The Family of Light acts as a stabilizing factor for DIMENSIONAL SHIFTS and its members serve as carriers of a FREQUENCY being used to awaken many.  We must first uncover the coding inside ourselves.  We have done this before.  We are capable of developing psychic and intuitive abilities.  In addition, these genes carry memories that separate us from others.  Almost all of us have no idea of the VALUE OF OUR HUMAN BODIES in which these codes are embedded; hence, we are “Living Libraries”.

Video 2 of 20:

RE: Earth was established billions of years ago designed to be a LIVING LIBRARY system where data from many many galaxies was stored.  She was to be an inter-galactic exchange center of information.  The original planners of Earth were members of the Family of Light.  Light is INFORMATION.  Earth was seeded (its animals, plants, minerals, and indigenous civilizations or the diversified human species of Earth) by many beings from different star systems penetrating a controlled force field isolating the Earth that kept it inaccessible as a library.  Some of the civilizations would flourish for 500 yrs, 1,000, 5,000, 10,000 yrs…They couldn’t establish ownership, so they left us clues throughout the planet.  Egyptians, Mayans, Incas, Balinese, Greeks, Tibetans, Sumerians, Aboriginals, etc. have contributed keys of understanding all pointing to the heavens (to our brothers and sisters from the stars and higher realms/dimensions or densities).  The greatest teachings brought to the planet was the ideal that all humans are created in equality and that life was to be honored in all forms. Formless Game Masters created the blueprint for every civilization (and seed themselves in it). They create and juggle many civilizations (in multiple planets) at once. Inside the evolved 12-stranded human are formulas to create life for other forms of intelligence in this universe.  We are transducers of energy.  We must take what we know and gently (peacefully) transduce it to other inhabitants of our planet.

However, 500,000 years ago, Earth lost her sovereignty;  and new owners moved in and claimed ownership to Earth.  These godlike administrators were not always kind.  These new owners wanted the native Earth species to remain unevolved and uninformed so that the species would be easier to control.  The original species of human creation experienced great destruction and its DNA was scattered.  A tyranny was let loose on Earth (a tyranny that returned to the Pleiades, because they – THE PLEIADIANS (a renegade faction) – in fact created the tyranny on Earth.)  They stripped us of our heritage of a fully functioning 12-strand DNA.  In order for them to grow and evolve, THEY MUST HEAL the past and what they did to humanity on Earth.

Video 3 of 20:

RE: Pleiadians work with the Keepers of Time (possess ambiguous personalities). They are enigmas.  They are their teachers.  They have tricked the Pleiadians into discovering the Living Libraries as well as how to activate these libraries.  If we (Earthlings) destroy ourselves before our universe completes, we will not fulfill our purpose.  The Keepers see that our universe is heading towards destruction and separation.  It is through this method that Reptilian and other energies are creating tyranny.  Civilizations in space are dying, because they don’t have access to the living library in the same way masses of humans are dying, b/c we do not understand  and have access to our own bodies.  WE ARE INTEGRAL KEYS. THE COURAGE AND FAITH THAT WE HAVE IN OURSELVES WILL DETERMINE THE COURSE OF EXPERIENCE FOR ALL OF EXISTENCE.  AS EARTH MOVES INTO A PLACE OF BALANCE AND SYNCRONISTIC UNION, SHE WILL CREATE A GEOMETRIC LINE UP WITH 11 OTHER LIBRARIES THAT MAKE UP THIS LIBRARY SYSTEM. When the alignment takes place, the 12 libraries will create their own configuration of Light and will reshape our universe signaling connection, a certain victory for all of creation.

Teachings of 12.  Ecliptic. Zodiac, conveying knowledge about creation. (Played an integral part in Sumerian, Hindu, Chinese, Egyptian, Greek, Chaldian, and Roman civilizations.)  12 chakras, each corresponds to a strand of DNA.  They hold memory and identity.

Chakra 1 – stores core identity and foundation of core beliefs
Chakra 2 – relates to creativity and sexuality
(Chakras 1&2 relate to the double helix), survival
Chakra 3 – relates to the gut (solar plexus). assists us to feel and intuits our way through life.  will, power, and feeling lie here
Chakra 4 – aligns with the heart. when open, connects us with all of life.  compassion flows from the center, taking us beyond judgment (which acts as a trap to separate us)
Chakra 5 – found in our throat. speak our truth. opens the great gift of vocal expression
Chakra 6 – third eye to see beyond the confines of the 3rd dimension
Chakra 7 – crown of our head, when open it connects and circulates spiritual energies to our cranial area. once stimulated, the pineal and pituitary glands as well as the hypothalamus play active roles in linking us up
Chakra 8 – close to our physical body a few inches or feet above our head, relates to the invisible realms outside the body
Chakra 9 – is outside the earth’s atmosphere (as far away as the moon), connects us as the steward and watcher of earth
Chakra 10 – reaches into our solar system offering us access to all that is there
Chakra 11 – is our galactic chakra that offers information about our local stellar influences
Chakra 12 – reaches outside of our galaxy and gives us access to what is in the rest of our universe as we picture it


Video 4 of 20:

RE:  universal evolution in all life forms, animals designed to be our companions, they come from many solar systems and planets in order to have a genetic link to earth, many animals now shifting dimensions (departing the earth); plants treated lovingly respond lovingly, ingesting some of them can raise consciousness levels in humans to better understand earth; the whole planet is a living library and humans are the keys and our emotions allow us to read the library with the love frequency!  pleiades and earth exchange (what we feel and communicate emotionally on earth are broadcast to the universe)…

Video 5 of 20:

RE: Chronometers measure the evolution of human consciousness.  Ancient sites (power places e.g. Knossos in Crete, Delphi, Machu Picchu, Stonehenge, Giza, Acropolis, Tihuanaco, etc.) that confound the (limited) human understanding of science can trigger our consciousness and allows us to access our blueprints that enable us to evolve.  The great stone circle in England was used as a portal (stargate or dimensional doorway)  by various star systems particularly Arcturias, Sirius, and the Pleiades.  Some ancient sites were used as fertility sites others as broadcasting stations, calendars, or as oracles to read the future.  When you visit sacred sites (and crop circles) throughout this planet and imagine your chakras as doorways of energy opening to your personal memories, the sites become activated.  You can also activate collective memory from your own backyard (you need not visit sacred sites).  Crop circles are synchronistically aligned to the sacred sites of Stonehenge, Avebury and Silbury Hill.  They are designed to assist mass consciousness and accelerate your awareness of other life forms in the stars (beyond what we can currently conceive).  Geometry and mathematics coupled with planetary and star knowledge are the basis for the construction of dimensional doorways.

Video 6 of 20:

RE:  Dolphins and whales are members of the Family of Light.  They carry frequencies from our ancient civilizations such as Lemuria and Atlantis.  Earth stores many remnants of civilizations including from the future.  Depending on our level of consciousness we can also trigger the re-emergence of artifacts from our past.  2012 is an anchoring of many dimensions. 2012 represents a blossoming of Earth even though some parts are seemingly destroyed.  There is a portal in Tibet, a huge energetic opening (in the Himalayas) where much gold is stored.  For hundreds of years (until the 1950s), Tibetans have acted as guardians for those passing through this portal.  GOLD allows dimensional doorways to be opened.  They anchor portals and hold the highest vibration that enable access through these doorways.  Television is sadly used to suppress your imagination and prevent your evolution.  History will record it as such.  You are here to explore Earth and discover the ancestral codes to aid your personal blueprint of evolution (of consciousness).  Earth is ancient and Sumerian records hold the keys to some of our origins (two Pleidian gods – brothers – Anki and Enlil or the Annunaki came from the stars and were in charge of Earth–they seeded a version of Earth’s genetic line making them our genetic parents).

Video 7 of 20:

RE:  Sumerian culture – cradle of civilization (Iraq and Kuwait) was directed by those who came from the stars–a stellar reptilian race.  They are an integral part of our ancestral line who are master geneticists.  They are an awesome, ferocious and gracious collection of consciousness.  It is essential that we understand our home, our roots and our genes.  Reptilian energies are creator gods who assisted the original planners – the ancients – in designing the Living Library.  They are extremely advanced in creating sentient biological forms.  They were some of the prime instigators in putting together the human species on this planet.  They learned their craft from the ancient ones.  They far surpass many brilliant beings in genetically adjusting and manipulating life forms.  Imagery will help us get in touch with our serpent (reptilian or Kundalini) energy.  Our mythological obsession with dragons and cobras also represent this reptilian ancestry.  The energy of Earth is being accelerated so that we can manifest our ancestral truths, we are shedding systems that do not work, and aspects of ourselves that no longer serve us.  Conflicts exist within the mass consciousness as to what the priority is today enabling us to unite. Many people will lose or give up their homes so that we may rediscover and experience humanity, community and family. Other forms of life who are waiting to be integrated as the dimensions open up will reveal the immense creativity and variety of reality…

Video 8 of 20:

RE:  Prime Creator is a FEMALE vibration.  The mother goddess is behind all things.  When you explore the Goddess, you begin to value life.  When you value life, you do not overpopulate Earth and you don’t kill.  EVERYTHING is connected to the same Source.   The Mother Goddess represents the Love principal.  Sensuality and sexuality comes from the Love principal.  The blood and its mysteries are key to understanding our ancestry. Our blood is rich with patterns and designs of a geometric nature.  Thoughts are recorded by your blood and radiated outwards for everyone else to read.  Menstrual blood can be used to nurture plant life (e.g. your garden and it accelerates the growth of food).  Women should honor their bodies and blood.  It is the source of your power and deep inner knowledge.  Women’s menstrual blood is the elixir of the Gods.  Menstrual blood is highly oxygenated, the purest of blood, and it carries decoded DNA.  It is the oxygen that decodes those strands and allows the restructuring of the data.  Scientists on our planet are now playing with a third strand of DNA, learning how to build this strand based on photon  light, or fibers in the embody known as light encoded filaments.  The energy of the Goddess is moving rapidly ready to work with those of us who are willing to remember her call.  Her instructions are to honor our bodies, Earth and our sexuality.  It is through this process that we are all created.  Embrace the fullness of our bodies.  Work together, play together.  War is one of the distortions brought about by the patriarchy in an attempt to give males the power of blood.  Yet this blood is not the same, it’s brought about by violence, by destroying life, by killing and feeling stifled and suppressed.  Man can only experience the power of blood if gifted to him by a woman or if he eats food nurtured by menstrual blood.  Blood contains the archives of personal planetary and celestial experience.  When blood is experienced in a sexual union, you are flooded with waves of knowledge, much of it beyond our present abilities to understand and integrate.  Male counterpart of menstrual blood is sperm; it carries the coded intelligence for the evolution of consciousness.  Sperm is the mother’s story encoded in the male vibration and contains the interpretation of how the male remembers that story.  Mixed together blood and sperm is another elixir.  This mixture was considered the drink of immortality.

Video 9 of 20:

RE:  Throughout most of history, when a woman stopped her menstrual cycle, it was believed that she was to be feared.  She could hold blood and keep all her power.  Women are steered away from their natural cycles.  There’s a complete misunderstanding about menopause (it’s the very opposite of what they have been told)…

Male vasectomies…speed up difficulties with the prostate (not recommended).

To be alive is to know the Goddess.  Most of us cannot conceive of the Prime Creator as a “female”.  Eve was not created from Adam’s body.  Your natural process is to build something with a mate, to blend the male and female “aspects”.  Embracing the Goddess opens the Living Library to you.

Light body must be tempered, exercised and stretched gently bringing it into its own awareness.  Clarity concerning who you intend to be in your reality is one of the prime keys in building your light body.  Your light body knows that it creates through THOUGHT and links you to the fabric of creation.  You’re connected to all of existence.  Your evolutionary lead is to make sense of this new awareness.  Matter is simply light that is trapped.  As you build your light body a reorganization of your molecular structure occurs loosening your grip upon materialism in order that a spiritual understanding may guide your day to day life…

Kundalini (serpent like) energy dwells at the base of your spine.  Acknowledging and calling this force forward facilitates the merging and bundling of your Light body.  This force also helps maintain your stability and groundedness with the increase electromagnetic shifts.  Traditionally, Kundalini uncoils itself and electrifies your body at around 40 years of age.  By this time, you are considered mature enough to house this kind of power.  For most people, the power is so profound that they go downhill from there and begin to age rather than rejuvenate and put the great creative electrical force to use.  As cosmic energy comes onto the Earth plane, there are millions of you who are now increasing the opportunities to reinterpret what Kundalini can do.  It is the force of your lives, and you pulse with it.

Video 10 of 20:

RE:  Kundalini (cont).  This energy can come out of your hands and be used for healing, create fire, clean the oceans, purify food, de-pollute the rivers and land. You’ll be able to use it to transmute the toxic pollution that everywhere around your planet.  Your planet is going to survive its transmutation process as you recognize the power of imagination which is tied very closely to memory.  Imagination acts as a movie screen in your mind that holds images and creates blueprints of consciousness.  Your body is filled with memories of different worlds as well as different timesframes from the now you perceive.  As Earth evolves you’ll become capable of pulling up these concepts and blueprints…

One of the most important keys we can give you is this:

“Love yourself .
Honor the vehicle that you occupy.
Act as if you are priceless.

Act as if you received the best thing possible: Your Body.
Honor Earth as well with love and respect for it is here that you stage your fanciful dramas.”

Sex in 3D can provide the energy through which you can emerge to higher consciousness.  It can lead to an essential part of your multidimensional development.  Sometimes, it is difficult to hear about sex, b/c you hold on to judgment of traumatic events that you are ashamed of or you feel bad about your sexuality.  To a large degree, there has been a plan to influence you to feel shame about sexuality in your body.  This has kept you from discovering your power, purpose, bliss and freedom.  As your body takes on and integrates the new energy, memory will be awaken in you.

Nature is one of the best ways to get in touch with remembering.  Sitting out in nature, watching nature, being in the now–the ever expanding now.  Activating memory involves disengaging yourself from all the “shoulds”… Please do not hide from yourselves or others.  Live.  Memory needs to be replenished and refreshed with the reflecting ability of water.  Water is what enhances memory in the physical body.  Kundalini fires the codes activating the Light encoded filaments and bringing them into light. These tiny fibers are filled with information and Kundalini moving through your body gives you the opportunity to own your own memories.

Emotions are the sum total of your wealth as a human being. Your emotions create a corresponding a chemical release inside your physical form.  The endocrine system which is responsible for the chemical responses to your emotional choices will evolve.  New chemicals will be produced inside your body will help you change.  Choosing a different way of receiving or translating reality will trigger inner doorways to open and produce substances that will take you into the higher realms.  The plan of intention is for human beings based on the increase of light to evolve into multi-talented beings.  Some people are operating at 6% of their brain capacity whilst Einstein used about 15%.

As the strands of DNA begin to discover their identities and come alive they will change the endocrine system.  Your decision to be in the moment, to LOVE YOURSELF and to work with love on the planet with yourself and all people will completely change what happens inside you.  This is a key to rejuvenation.  Be willing to experience yourself, your life and your body as your own creations. Your thymus gland is pivotal in sending the signal to your body to hold the pattern of rejuvenation.  As you age, this gland shrinks or shrivels up.  Your upper glands the pituitary and pineal as cranial temples are inactivated or basically dormant).  Your thymus gland does not continuously remind your body of its idealize blueprint b/c it is not getting the messages to do so from the temples in your head.  This is b/c your temples have been disconnected from the full strands of DNA.  Your thymus gland will return to its own vitality when it receives the message that your body has done its preparation and that your consciousness is ready.  If you think in terms of life expansion, some of you have barely begun your work. Others have training that is going to implode you into the next shift. Your work is a gift to the planet, a gift to civilization.

Video 11 of 20:

RE:  Your hypothalymus can be thought of as the gatekeeper between your physical body and your outer chakras. Its time has not yet come.  In your present stage of evolution, you cannot comprehend its function.  Yes it regulates the body temperature and flow of water.  Water is the essence of water.  We always encourage you to be around water to be in water and to use water, b/c water enhances the function of the hypothalymus gland.

Health is free.  Develop the right attitude about your body.  When you are in touch with your body.  When you shower, you can feel your level of well being.  You may choose to worry and distress your body.  If you worry about your health, then you will create something.  Your body follows the images you instigate.  The more compassion you have for others, the quicker mass consciousness will change.  Make a commitment to have your heart open.  Use the energy of the Mother Goddess.

As energy increases on the planet, blocks in your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies are magnified. Unexpressed feelings and ideas create obstacles to the flow of energy whose purpose it is to connect you.  You must help the process by being responsible for who you are.  Wherever you have a prejudice or difficulty, you can trust that the magnifying glass will be put over it.  You will manifest the block in the form of a difficult challenge.  Everything is intensifying in order to teach people about responsibility and maintaining a clarity of purpose and intent.

Bodywork facilities and quickens the recognition of your identity.  Love frequency – make certain there is a sense of humour.  Laughter is a key to freedom. We encourage you to operate from your solar plexus (gut), 2nd brain center (stomach).  You can instantly see that you alter your experience when you BELIEVE IN and find opportunity in every event you create.  We remind you that opportunity is often disguised as loss.

All life has chakra systems.  They are energy storehouses around and inside of life forms.  They connect the internal workings the physiological third dimensional operations with the multidimensional etheric layered goings on.  They bring energy from the non-physical realms into the physical if utilized properly.  All forms of life have these energy portals as doorways and places where they can be refueled…

As your DNA is being reordered into a new expression of itself, the frequency or identity that you carry is speaking something on a non physical level.  Every place you go, you carry the mutating energy that announces itself.  Your consciousness announces itself to ALL LIFE FORMS.  Maybe those humans who are next to you at a shopping center or a restaurant are not quite aware on a conscious level of who you are.  However, when you take a walk in the woods and fields or go into the oceans, you will see other lifeforms around you who are much more aware of who you are.  They change their response and they DNA changes, b/c yours is changing.  Through you, all of nature becomes more available as the Living Library.  You, as human beings, are the library cards, the keys to the Living Library.  All the information stored in Earth’s Library is accessible through you.  You were designed to be merged with, influenced, and emerged through.  You have come here (to Earth) to master the human version of the spiritual evolutionary process to live with it, to merge with many different realities, and to allow realities to emerge through you.  It’s your job to take care of the Living Library.

At one time, humans on Earth held very honorable and highly evolved positions. You had glorious vibrant forms emanating energy and light. Becoming one with other energies and allowing them to look out of your eyes in order to experience more was a divine purpose.  Humans made themselves available for this process. … As the reorganization of Light takes place here on Earth, there will be a mass merging of beings who are very benevolent very uplifting and very loving.  They will come through and operate out of your bodies. You will still maintain your own integrity and your own identity; however, they will blend with you as we blend with our vehicle.  They will be able to access the codes and master numbers that you house inside your bodies. The Self is a composition of many different life forms all making up a central Soul.  As Earth is being catapulted into a new direction, the occupants may perish, b/c they do not meet the new speed at which Earth will vibrate OR they will begin the changes that will prepare them for the ability to blink on and off into the various personalities that make up the collection of the Soul (or Soul group/ Monadic group). You are forerunners in this.  You are meeting the portions of yourselves that are the most imperative for you to understand.  There are many of these selves to meet.   You are game masters yourselves.  Those who orchestrated the re-establishing of Earth’s freedom and the seeding of civilizations.  These civilizations became alive and activated and NOW YOU ARE LIVING IN ONE OF THE MOST EXCITING PLACES AND TIMES OF EXISTENCE.

There are many who support you and wish to merge with you, operate through you, and give you a hand with the job in front of you. … All you need is to trust yourselves and design your reality according to your own wits by intending what you as humans want to accomplish.  Whatever you intend to make as your signature, your mark on this world, it shall be.  So dream BIG.

Video 12 of 20:

RE: …

Video 13 of 20:

RE: …Sex and the life force…

Video 14 of 20:

RE: …Sexual expression and energy (as divinity)

Time as a construct.  The present can spring from the FUTURE (not just the past).

The assignment you are on (here on Earth) involves changing your past as you spring from the future in order to create a different present.

The Mayan – The Keepers of Time.

Video 15 of 20:

RE: Mayan Purpose. Timelines. Earlthy and Galactic Portals. Crystal Skulls.  Past/Present/Future all happening simultaneously. Harmonic Convergence (was sent from the FUTURE into the past to change the present).  The consciousness of the people play a critical role.

Primary Event (turning point for the domain from which it transpires).  We come from our future.

The Mayan calendar is well worth considering as it marks a time of ending and a closure at the winter solstice in December 2012.  When that last stretch of time is completed, there will be a dimensional shift upon this planet.  Those who are able to accommodate the dimensional shift now are already moving in and out of the 4th and even the 5th dimension. During the next 20 years, the new frequency will become so predominant on the planet that it will catapult one version of your world into a new cycle and another version into a complete ending and destruction.  Eventually, you will perceive a very different set of memories, because you will change the past  of your universe.  This is how things are.  We have told you that you come from your future, and the we came back to change the past.  We are changing the history of the entire universe by making a parallel universe.  This is what parallel universes are–plans that shift the mechanisms of time from one point by changing the memory and changing the event.

Video 16 of 20:

RE: …

1993 Galactic tidalwave of light (Uranus and Neptune) Feb, Aug & Oct 1993 aligning and energizing the sign of Capricorn at 19 and 20 degrees.  Each planet is a sentient being.  They joined in Capricorn and energized the stone of Earth herself, leaving an opening in the feeling center.  This is responsible for the rapid mutation in the human species that is taking place now.  An alteration on a cellular level will catapult you into a metamorphosis in the spiritual dimensions.

The moon is a satellite that was constructed. It is a monitoring device (or eye in the sky).  It affects ALL LIFE FORM on this planet.  There were two moons around Earth.  At this time, the moon is quite control.  ETs and others have many bases on the moon.  Those from Earth have little influence when it comes down to it.  It’s the ETs who operate it all.  We are newcomers to the game.  We constantly translate data into physical boundaries.  All is thought in mental architecture.

The Sun is the governor of your Solar System.  It is intimately connected to all life and creates the environment under which you can evolve. The Sun is very interested in your evolution for as you evolve you feed everything that you do back to the Sun as it touches you.

The Sun and the Moon are the luminaries within your system by which you are most profoundly influenced and affected. The Moon is subsatellite of the Sun orbiting as a computer around Earth built and maintained by many generations of Gods.  Heavenly bodies are constructed in the shapes of asteroids, moons and planets, and it is through these luminaries that rays of intelligence – radio waves and gamma rays – are transmitted from star to sun and sent to Earth…

The central sun of the Pleiades is Alcyon, and your solar system is located on the fringe of the Pleiades system.

Video 17 of 20:

RE: Sun, Mother Earth (abused by humans), shifting, silent sounding to protect Earth (children), geometry, sound, light…

Video 18 of 20:

RE:  migrate/relocate ourselves creating a major shift in consciousness, discover safer areas, simplify life, unclutter your life, let go of things you don’t need, lighten up, trust Earth, that Earth will inform you and guide you, trust the insects and animals to work with you and communicate with you, earth changes, shifts, death, death walkers, sound, impulses, music, crossing over dimensions, assist the dying, healing, forgiveness, life on the other side of death, Earth to experience new communities, each community will grow and flourish, contribute food, shelter, music, movement and sound, old way of living in which we need each other and experience interconnected living, live closer to the land, work to benefit the community, play together, renaissance of the temple culture will return, uncover ancient sites long buried, meditation, share, establish a field of thought over the community…

Video 19 of 20:

RE:  birth honor, fatherhood pride, bond in the miracle of life, communities oriented toward children, they will instruct us, a series of children born this decade called the family of love, carry the goddess energy, these children will create telepathic connections between potential parents and children-to-come, kundalini, these children will change the face of earth, they embody love engineered by your DNA, body and bloodstream, promise to bring fun, love and laughter to life, energized the pleasure frequency, creation is done with the mind, evolve…transcend the third dimension, task is to heal yourself on a treasure hunt through the corridors of time, gratitude, knowing who you are, story of 12, 12 is a code for numerous sentient beings to enter our reality, 12 coincides with the most commonly held mathematical base, merging and emerging, consciousness, mysteries of the self, transform energy, move beyond judgment, time…

Video 20 of 20:

RE: share knowledge with family, society and culture, vibrate in the frequency that you are, compassion for all, if karma is squeezing you then release yourself, visualize and imagine a new frontier, a new world, don’t be attached to the Pleiadian messages, do not create a new bible from it, just have fun with it, completion of 12, enjoy each moment as a moment of bliss, accept the mantel of your own creation, you live in two worlds–keep it safe, seek the wisdom of the elders and indigenous cultures who know of these prophecies in our time, inspire ourselves to move forward, a new cycle of existence awaits us, a new superhighway of consciousness, no technology can surpass our own biological spiritual beings, the keys of consciousness have been given to us…

For more, the book is available at

Earth: Pleiadian Keys to the Living Library

Earth: Pleiadian Keys to the Living Library [Paperback]

Barbara Marciniak

Barbara Marciniak (Author)
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