NEW DNA, NEW CONSCIOUSNESS, NEW INTELLIGENCE (by Adama of Telos); 12 Strand DNA Activation

25 08 2009

Channeled by Princess Sharula Dux of Telos

“For those who embrace the change and the newness, they are coming into a new way of being. The third strand of DNA developing in your body makes you a christ. A living, holy trinity. In realizing yourself as the living trinity you will move beyond duality. The new amino acids will make it easier for your brain to fire off the new codes. Putting this in layman’s terms you will be growing new intelligence. The new amino acids will activate parts of your consciousness unused for a very very long time. Now you are aware that your scientists report to you that you use six percent of your physical brain capacity. Geniuses use about eight to ten percent. These changes within you will create programs that will allow you to activate more of who you really are. Stop and think what mankind has done with just six percent of their consciousness, what you have created personally and as a collective on the planet? What could you do with the other 94% of your brain capacity?

Many of you have heard stories of the affidavits and testimonies of St. Germaine while living in France in the 18th century. One report comes to mind about a particular countess who stated that St. Germaine was able to write poetry with one hand, perform advanced mathematical calculations with the other, while carrying on a conversation with someone that did not pertain to either one of those functions he was performing with his hands. That is an example of where you are going.

With the third strand DNA you will access approximately 30% of your being. 30% is more than enough to make you a master capable of feats beyond your wildest imagination. This includes not just cumulative powers in the brain but it includes ALL the powers accessible to your being. Telekinesis is an example. A person famous for his telekinetic abilities is for instance Uri Geller, a being able to bend spoons from afar, and sometimes thousands at once. This being is perhaps using 10% of his being. 4% more brain capacity would create that ability within you. Again, imagine what you can do with 30% of your brain capacity!”

Princess Sharula Dux was born in 1725, in Telos, and is currently living in Santa Fe, New Mexico with her husband Shield. Princess Sharula Dux is the channel and source of information for the World Ascension Newsletter.


12 Strand DNA Activation


• Heightened intuition, awareness
• Release of old memories
• Wrinkles fade, skin tightens
• Heightened perceptions
• Relationships change
• Strengthened connection to Divine Source
• Spiritual healing accelerates
• Manifest faster, power magnified

The DNA strand is a double helix loop resembling a twisted ladder. DNA instructs the cells of every living thing. DNA defines cycles of growth, repair and replication for all living cells. Genes are part of DNA codings which are inherited and associated with particular physical and mental qualities.

DNA reactivation

Scientific research has proven that our DNA responds to our thoughts, feelings and emotions. Through choice and spiritual healing technology, we can choose to restructure and reactivate our DNA in ways that are highly beneficial to our personal well-being and our evolution both as humans and souls. The dynamic of working directly with the DNA is a result of present time challenges to further quicken our evolutionary process. This encompasses the healing of our physical bodies, our minds and our lives, therefore allowing a complete and blissful oneness of body, mind, spirit and soul.

Our original human blueprint was designed with 12 functioning strands of DNA in each of the 46 chromosomes. As a part of our experience to learn as a human race, 10 strands were deactivated. Human consciousness was thus changed; biogenetically hampered, limiting the full capacity of our species spiritually, physically, mentally and emotionally. Scientists are aware of extra strands they call “junk” DNA. These disconnected strands are really an essential part of our original genetic blueprint.

Reactivation is now an integral part of our evolution. Within the reactivation of 10 virtual DNA strands, are codes for physical youth, vitality, regeneration and immunity. Reactivated DNA also enables innate mental information that is needed in our return to oneness with God. The time has come. When enough people are consciously activated (critical mass), others will experience spontaneous activation.

Personal Activation

DNA activation

Prior to your DNA activation you will have your chakras cleaned and balanced, your aura will be cleansed and any blockages removed. Taking direction from spiritual surgeons and other advanced lightbeings we then repair the “broken circuitry” around the body, finishing by initiating a process in the master cell of the pineal gland to re energise and reawaken the repaired DNA strands. The whole session takes approximately 1 hour.

DNa in sapce

Your activation will initiate a dramatic increase in vibratory frequency, and your life will begin shifting right away. Changes may be subtle, although physical and emotional adjustments can be rather pronounced. As your personal resonance changes, the things you outwardly resonate with will change, therefore we highly recommend that your partner get activated also.

Your DNA Activation will dramatically magnify and quicken the manifestation of your thoughts and desires. If you are aware that you have considerable negative thoughts which you do not want to magnify, we recommend some Reiki treatments or Spiritual Healing sessions first.


Arcturian Songs of the Masters of Light — Patricia L. Pereira

25 08 2009

There have been many prophesies for us to think about over the ages. Some have materialized while others have not. All prophecy is fluid and changeable. The future is not set in stone. The reason is simple. We create our own reality through our collective thinking (mass consciousness). What a prophet “sees” is one of the probable outcomes of our future. If we don’t like what the prophet has to say, we have the power to change it.

Cosmic cycles are nothing new to our ancestors and are a part of the lore and history of many ancient civilizations. For example, the Mayans studied them with a passion and they formed the basis of their sky religion.

This is also the end of the 2160-year Age of Pisces, the beginning of Aquarius, the close of the Mesoamerican fifth world and the ending of the Kali Yuga of the Hindus. The sacred scriptures of the Indian Vedas describe cycles of creation spanning millions of years in the past including civilizations that flourished and those that decayed and perished.

The momentous crossroads in cosmic time we are fast approaching at 2012 has been prophesized by the Hopis, the Mayans, the Aztecs and many others. Some of that information is briefly summarized below.

In addition, I’ve also excerpted below fifteen different sources of channeled transmissions that I take seriously. All are saying the same basic thing. And I find it hard to ignore.

Here is the information that has influenced my thinking…

A.D. 2012 – Is Something Big Coming?

25 08 2009

“A birthing planet vibrating at a lower tone than evolving Earth is preparing itself to receive beings who prefer to embrace greed and power, those who desire to control, possess and destroy that which is not rightfully theirs. The awaiting planet is far from Earth, but it is not altogether unlike Earth.”

The Maya

25 08 2009

The Maya mysteriously appeared out of the mist some 4,000 years ago. To this day, no one knows where those ancient people came from. Nor do we know where they suddenly disappeared to around 800 A.D. Edgar Cayce says they came from the Pleiades.

Nevertheless, the Mayan artifacts tell us in no uncertain terms that they were master astronomers with an intimate  knowledge of the heavens. And they were obsessed with recording cycles of cosmic time.

The Maya described five different ages that existed in the distant past, each lasting some 5,125 years. They have also told us that each of those ages ended in cataclysmic cleansing of the negative karma that was created by mankind. Then, with the start of each new era, the evolution of mankind would begin again from the seeds of the survivors left behind.

According to the Maya, the fifth and final age began approximately 5,125 years ago. One has to wonder why their calendar, constructed more than two thousand years ago, mysteriously ended with the fifth age at “zero point,” on the winter solstice of 2012? Is there no next age?

The Hopis

25 08 2009

The Hopi, whose name means “people of peace,” have sacred traditions that go back thousands of years. Their time-honored teachings point to certain prophecies that would manifest just before a great purification takes place on planet Earth. It would be a time when the world would shudder and tremble causing much destruction, in order to cleanse the planet of the karmic negativity we have created while serving as its caretakers. Not too long ago, the Hopis have said that those prophecies have now completed. It appears that the time for purification is upon us, as we approach 2012.

Here are some of the signs heralding the coming purification telling us that it is near…

Trees everywhere will be dying (it’s going on right now).

People will build a house a throw it in the sky (Skylab, Mir, the current space station)

Cold places will become hot and hot places cold (that is happening with global warming, global weather patterns are changing)

Land will sink beneath the sea and rise above it (such changes have already begun)

The appearance of a blue star (in 1987 a blue star made its presence known when a hot blue super-giant exploded and made world history as a spectacular supernova)

There will be paths in the sky (airplane contrails and chemtrails)

There will be cobwebs in the air (power lines all over the United States)

A “gourd of ashes” will be dropped from the sky to burn the land and boil the oceans (atomic bomb)

These signs are pretty obvious and all have come to pass.

On the Hopi Reservation there is a picture story carved into a rock that is so sacred to them no one is allowed to photograph it. Some outside the Hopi tribe have been allowed to see it and have drawn pictures of what they remembered. That picture story is a diagram of a life plan that would guide us through this time in history. A time when there will be much turmoil and destruction.

The simple picture prophecy says there are two parallel paths for humanity to walk as we make our choices. One is a path of darkness, while the other is a path of Light. We can move freely back and forth between each one for a long time (many lives) because the Great Spirit wants us to explore and experience different ways of life. But, a moment in history will arrive when we must make a final choice between the two. That moment has arrived.

Those who choose the path of darkness are shown in the pictograph as people whose heads hover above their bodies, while walking a path that turns into a broken zigzag and leads to nowhere. These people will experience the great purification (shift) as a time of confusion and chaos that leads to destruction. Those who have chosen a way of Light have a clear, strong path ahead of them, as they live to advanced ages.

The Hopis are also briefly mentioned in Shirley MacLaine’s latest book, “The Camino.” She says that “I had friends in the States who were involved with the Hopi Indian tribe. The Hopis said that the last decade of the twentieth century and after the turn of the millennium, it would be necessary for man to ‘tie himself to a tree.’ In other words, ‘big wind.’

The Hopis also said the weather would become unpredictable and would ‘cleanse away many things with wind and rain.’ They said we must each be self-sustained and go back to growing our food from Mother Earth. Above all, they said, man needed to go within himself in order to gain spiritual understanding of what would be happening. Their prophecies matched the Mayan prophecies.”

Fingerprints of the Gods — Graham Hancock

25 08 2009

In his best selling book, Fingerprints of the Gods, Graham Hancock conducted an exhaustive investigation into mankind’s remote past. This effort took him all over the world from the Great Sphinx, to the Hopis, to the Andean ruins and to the monuments of many ancient civilizations, including the Maya. Hancock believes that within the records and monuments of these ancient civilizations there is an important message for us.

Graham concludes that in our distant past there were others who were very advanced technologically, but not spiritually, such as the Atlanteans. This imbalance led to their demise. The “fingerprints” of information that our ancestors left for us to discover and contemplate warn of terrible Earth changes that periodically afflict our planetary home. And the end of another cycle appears to be upon us.

The Transmissions

As mentioned above, there are 13 different sources of channeled information I’ve seriously considered that say we are about to experience a profound and radical change (shift) on this planet. It appears we have been at this point before without successfully balancing the material and the spiritual aspects of our lives. As a result, Earth went through drastic physical changes to cleanse the negative karma we’ve created and we had to start all over again.

However, there appears to be an additional twist to what is coming. Not only is a cleansing expected, but along with the upheaval, a fork could occur in the road of human destiny around the year 2012. One fork represents the continuation of the 3rd dimension, the dimension of physicality in which we now find ourselves. The other will be a newly opened path to a higher dimension, which will lead to the Golden Years the ancients spoke of long ago. The choices we make, and the quality of life we lead, will determine which path opens for us.

Here are some channeled transmissions for the coming changes that have influenced my thinking. Many of them reference the year 2012.

Revelation David Spangler (1970s)

25 08 2009

“Great changes have occurred in kingdoms beyond yours and they are also moving into a new heaven and new earth.”

“My power has been liberated and all now move swiftly toward their appointed destinies as their consciousnesses have chosen. Your world shall become – and swiftly it shall become – two worlds. You will call one light and one dark, but I am in both of them”

“Increasingly, the worlds will move apart in consciousness until they are absolutely separate and perceive each other no more. For it is written that two will be at work in the vineyards; one shall be taken and the other remain. I shall snatch you up to me.”

“Seek me and you have found peace… Let no man who would be of me have fear.”

“The old will disappear. Human level consciousness by itself can no longer resolve the complexities it has created.”

“I have come to shepherd the old into a place of its further outworking. I have stated that no sheep that is lost shall go unsought.”

“The old must pass away. It has served its purpose in the cycles of evolution and must now make way for a new, more expanded and more fruitful manifestation.”

“Always be prepared for change. I have stated that all may change in the twinkling of an eye and you may find yourselves in another world of consciousness, opportunity, and behavior entirely.”

“In terms of physical personality relationships, I can be a sword that divides and separates. Release them to me, no matter where their destiny leads them.”

Flight Into Freedom — God Spoke To Me — Eileen Caddy Cofounder of The Findhorn Community (1970s-1980s)

“Wake up to the turbulent state of the world. Humankind is drawing further away from the source of all good into the darkness. You can feel the unrest, the disquiet, everywhere. Humans have brought this upon themselves by their free will. The have made the choice of power, greed, hatred, jealousy and envy and must take the consequences. There is no hope of averting the landslide, but exactly how it is to be brought about can be sped up or slowed down by the behaviour of the
human race.”

“This is the turning point for every soul. The die has been cast, and each soul has to make a choice: a turning towards the light or the dark. The day many have been waiting for is over. The cosmic power released at that appointed moment, felt by you and many others, has begun to reverberate around the universe. Nothing will stop it.”

“Great changes are about to take place in the whole universe. It will not be a comfortable time. It is important that each one has no fear, no concern, knowing that this great upheaval is necessary before the next step can be taken.”

The Ra Material

25 08 2009

– Book 1 Don Elkins, Carla Rueckert & James Allen McCarty (1970s)
“There is going to be a Harvest, as you might call it, a harvest of souls that will shortly occur on your planet. We are attempting to extract the greatest possible harvest from this planet. This is our mission, for we are the Harvesters.”

“In order to be most efficient, we are attempting to create first a state of seeking among the people of this planet who desire to seek… We offer them no concrete proof, as they have a way of expressing it. We offer them Truth. This is an important function of our mission – to offer Truth without proof. In this way, the motivation will, in each and every case, come from within the individual.”

“I am Ra. One major cycle is approximately 25,000 of your years. There are three cycles of this nature during which those who have progressed may be harvested at the end of the three major cycles. That is, approximately between 75 and 76,000 of your years. All are harvested regardless of their progress, for during that time the planet itself has moved through the useful part of that dimension, and begins to cease being useful for the lower levels of vibration within that density.”

“I am Ra. This inconvenience (Earth changes) or disharmonious vibratory complex, has begun several of your years in your past. It shall continue unabated for a period of approximately thirty of your years.”

(This transmission was given in 1981. Thirty years later would be 2011).

Additional posts on COTC:

The Law of One | The Ra Material (51 Videos of the Ra Channelings)

The Starseed Transmissions Starseed

25 08 2009

– The Third Millennium Return of the Bird Tribes — Ken Carey (1970s-1980s)
“Our mission is to bring a pre-Fall state of awareness to all human beings who are able to respond, however different they may be, whatever background they may have come from…”

“You are being given an opportunity to enter a new reality. It is already here for those with eyes to see. Soon it will be the only reality to be seen. Those who tune into the new frequencies (of love) will find life growing more wondrous every day. Those who tune into fear will find things falling apart. The worlds of consciousness will begin to form ever more distinctly; the world of Love and Life, and the world of fear and death.”

“… you will think of all the years of your history up until The Coming shortly after Second Millennium A.D., as being years of darkness, years in spent the womb. You will remember nothing about them.”

“As the twentieth century draws to a close, a new generation – your own – finds itself settled along the very banks of the river. Already pioneers have set out from among you to explore the other shore. Soon there will be a massive crossing of human beings from one side of this river to the other, from the subconscious realms, where fear is the primary source of motivation, to the conscious realms, which know only the motives of love.”

“Those few who may choose to remain behind will not be uncared for. They will experience an age of further history, much like the history that humans have experienced in the past.”

“Five Centuries before the dawn of the present era, in the jungles of the Yucatan, we brought to the Awakened Ones of that age a timetable, which they carefully recorded in stone. The Mayan Calendar is recovered now from moss, fern, lizard and leaf. In it are chiseled the dates of the Great Purification, dates that correspond to your years, 1987 to 2011. The winter solstice of the last year of this intensified twenty-five year cycle will see the purification complete, the era of human history brought forever to a close.”

An Introduction to the Keys of Enoch J. J. Hurtak (1973)

25 08 2009

“While I was in the act of prayer calling upon the name of the Father, asking to know the meaning of life and for what reason I was called into the world, my room suddenly became full of a different type of light. And in the presence of this ‘Light’ a great Being stood before me who announced that he was Master Ophanim Enoch.”

“The being asked if I were ready to go with him to the Father’s midst, and I said I was.”

So begins J. J. Hurtak’s surreal experience, during which he was given the 64 Keys of Enoch that explain how the Seven Seals of the Book of Revelation will be broken (decoded).

The 64 Keys will help to “bring a new cosmology of consciousness in explaining how the Brotherhoods of Light will work with members of the human race who can accept the promise of a new life.”

Below are some excerpts from this book, which point to the coming changes that will affect every one on this planet.

“There is presently occurring a space-time overlap with the ‘Higher Evolution’ as the Earth’s solar system enters an electromagnetic null zone, a vacuum area in space which will change the magnetic forces of creation.”

“The change of the electromagnetic density in the Earth’s atmosphere will activate some species to become more violent and other species to more Christ-like as man is pulled either into an upward spiral of Light or negated by the breakdown of the old electromagnetic frequency.

This will bring about a complete reorganization of the Earth’s life system…”

“Before the new story of creation happens, the Earth will go through gross geo-magnetic and catastrophic changes as the magnetic regions of the North and South Pole release ‘their torque,’ spinning the shell (crustal surface) of the Earth into the new program of existence.”

“For behold, the field is white and ready for harvest… the Creator of this local ‘galactic universe’ will gather the remaining righteous on this Earth who will be ‘graduated’ to go on to Light-Life worlds.”

“And it will occur after the wars between the Sons of Light versus the Sons of Darkness that a ‘New Age’ will occur for all of mankind surviving the great changes…”

“There is a forming of the new worlds at this time for there is to be soon existent new planets… The Nine shall place upon the new realms those ‘physical souls’ who have perfected themselves upon the Earth plane. Those souls who have evolved to the highest point of advancement on Earth shall be of the New Creation.”

“The younger souls of the faithful who survive the old program will become the physical seed of the Christ people upon the planet. The faithful who are already initiated into the many gifts will be taken to other planets. This will come to pass only after the unrighteous are removed from the face of the earth. At that time the earth will be in a new electromagnetic orbit and there will be new heavens and new earth.”